

We are truly in times of great change. It's often challenging to stay clear, balanced and grounded. OLHT is one of the most beautiful and all-encompassing ways to release programming, stress and various chronic-health issues. But most of all, it increases our connection to our indwelling spirit, while opening our heart, creativity and intuition, all helping us to become grounded and balanced, while healing the body, mind and spirit.

OLHT is unique with its comprehensive depth of practices and techniques:

1) The OLHT Basic Training includes over 33 comprehensive healing techniques that heal or improve many chronic and/or acute conditions, held by most of us. Our healing techniques include: Radiant, Magnetic, Color, Distance, Higher-Self, Male/Female, Heart, Archangelic, Chakra, Aura Healing, Supreme Being, White Light, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Scanning & Release Techniques, Past-Life Healing, and more. Additionally, we offer a number of Sacred, Shamanic and Esoteric Initiations. In the Master's Training, we offer Kundalini Training, Akashic-Record Work, Out-of-Body Healing, and a considerable number of unique and beautiful advanced healing techniques.

2) In the Basic Training, our students experience deep experiential healing processes that facilitate them in releasing decades and often, generational programming, along with the repetitive, sabotaging energetic patterns and many accompanying chronic health issues. The release of old patterning increases our ability to be more fully present and grounded; more creative and better able to express ourselves; and more able to love others and ourselves, as well as connecting with Spirit and fulfilling our soul's purpose for being. These are some of the most profound and unique aspects of the OLHT work. Our trainings fully support student transformation, in deeply profound and positive ways, thus allowing us all to live with greater aliveness, passion, health, and with a deep sense of spiritual inner-guidance. Visit our website to read about our student’s healing stories: See Schools - Healing Stories and Testimonials.

3) We teach students the skills to open their psychic abilities, including, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and clair-cognizance. These age-old, newly opening abilities may also be used at the deepest levels, in healing work with friends, family or clients, and in all aspects of our personal and professional lives.

4) Our numerous esoteric practices, facilitate our students to connect with their deepest spiritual dimensions, and their Higher-Selves, a.k.a. Infinite Souls. This enables us all to connect deeply with our Purpose for Being, so we may effectively use this lifetime, to fulfill our purpose for being and for the greater good of all of us.

5) Another important quality of the OLHT work is the depth of healing we provide to healing others. In addition to using a wide-variety of healing techniques, our OLHT practitioners offer a variety of profoundly effective self-healing practices, that family, friends or clients may use to deepen their healing journey.

OLHT is committed to the evolution of humanity. 




Morning Light over Inverness, CA - Robin Lavin ©2010